May 25, 2011

Meditation for the Day

A soothing reminder... for all seekers on the path.
Bodhidharma's Search for a Disciple

    Only one thing has to be remembered: be authentic, be sincere to yourself. Declare your truth, whatsoever the cost. Even if life is risked, risk it, because truth is far more valuable than anything, because truth is true life.

    I am reminded of Bodhidharma, who introduced Zen into China... The emperor had come to receive him on the border--and if it had been somebody else in Bodhidharma's place, the emperor would have cut his head immediately, because he was behaving in such an unmannerly way. 

   The emperor had created hundreds of temples, made thousands of Buddha statues. One thousand scholars were continuously translating Buddha's words from Pali into Chinese, and ten thousand Buddhist monks were fed by the imperial treasury. He had done much to make China Buddhist. Obviously, he thought that he would be appreciated, so he said, "I have done these things. What do you think--what will be the virtue attained out of all this?" 

    Bodhidharma said, "Virtue? You idiot!"--in front of the whole court, because the court had come with the emperor. There was silence. He said, "You will go directly to hell!"
The emperor could not understand. He said, "I don't see why you are so angry." 

    Bodhidharma replied, "You are destroying a living word, and you are feeding these scholars who have nothing to contribute to the consciousness of the people. Still you have the nerve to ask if you are doing great virtue? You will suffer in hellfire!" The emperor thought, "How to get out of this man's trap? I have entered in a lion's den and now it is very difficult to get out..." The emperor went back, and Bodhidharma remained in the hills just outside China's boundary. Sitting in a temple, facing the wall for nine years, he declared, "To talk to people who don't understand is just like talking to a wall. But talking to a wall at least one has a consolation that it is a wall. I will turn my face only when I see that somebody has come who is worthy of listening to the living word." 

    Nine years is a long time--but finally one morning the man came. He said, "Listen, I think I am the person you are waiting for." As a proof he cut off one of his hands with his sword, threw the hand into the lap of Bodhidharma and said, "Turn towards me; otherwise I will cut off my head and you will be responsible for it!" 

    Bodhidharma turned immediately. He said, "This is enough. This is enough proof that you are as crazy as I want! Sit down. There is no need to cut off your head -- we have to use it; you are going to be my successor." 

    A man who cuts his hand just to give proof of his sincere search... and there was no doubt in Bodhidharma's mind that if he did not turn he would have cut his head. Unnecessarily, he would be burdened with the responsibility of killing a man, and such a beautiful man, so courageous. And certainly the man was Bodhidharma's successor. 

    But what happened between these two, nobody knows. Not a single word--Bodhidharma just turned towards him, told him to sit down, looked into his eyes... snow was falling and there was an immense silence all around. Not a single question was asked, and not a single answer was given. But something must have transpired, otherwise Bodhidharma would not have chosen him as his disciple.

Excerpt from

May 2, 2011

Osama Bin Laden-World Champion?

10 years ago-September 11th 2001 
I remember the details of that faithful night vividly, as though all of it had just happened yesterday.

My sister ran out of her room, sulking and complaining how her daily dose of Cantonese drama was disrupted by this sudden telecast of news. Mum and Dad did not pay much attention to her. Until the moment she narrated 'this aeroplane crashing something called the don't-know-something trade centre' . We were glued to the screen of our tv the entire night watching the replay of the crash and the echoing scream of terrified people..

Well, forgive our ignorance, but I doubt children knew what terrorism was 10 years ago..Little did my sister and I knew how that footage of the plane crashing into that really really tall building was not merely a plane crash, but the start of a dark, evil force people start to call 'Terrorism'. 

Terrorism [ter-uh-riz-uhm] : the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes

Terrorism for kids: A day filled with storytelling and re-enacting what we saw on tv with cheapo spritzer water bottles. It was a day when the school was abuzz with hype. Teachers were heard commenting on the event, even pak cik kantin and the gardener had something to say!  

10 years later-2nd of May 2011
As I opened my internet browser, up pops the most recognisable face on planet earth; Osama Bin Laden's. Not forgetting the huge caption 'Osama Bin Laden is dead' 

People rejoiced and jubilant faces plastered across my laptop screen..Well, it is definitely justice done to those who perished during the 9/11 attacks, those soldiers who died while serving for the country in Afghanistan under the Bush Administration.


Oh wait, not that I wanna poke anyone's happy bubble...The fight against terror ain't gonna end with his death. We all know that. However, the battle from today is going to be twice the effort, with raging Al-Qaeda members seeking revenge.

I personally predict the implications and consequences to be far disastrous, far ruthless. You kill one, but the rest comes and hunt after your butt...Becareful America & the World!

Another point i want to make through this post is the fact that we are so susceptible to everything we see and read. Is it really true that Osama is dead? Well, I guess not really alot of people would think he is not considering that they started thronging the White House in jovial mood right after President Obama's announcement.

For me however, until I see the body of Osama Bin Laden and the authenticity of his remains would I surrender and believe he is really dead. Yes, I am a sceptic but with all the hanky panky of politics around, who can blame me?

Pardon my insensivity towards the news of his death but I can already picture his obituary in the newspapers :

Osama Bin Laden, Al-Qaeda mastermind of 9/11
Will forever be remembered by Al-Qaeda community as their heroic leader..
Will not be missed by the global community despite being crowned the World Champion of Hide and Seek Year 2001-2011