Jun 27, 2012

The Mind Battle

Our mind can be tuned to block out pain,
To turn pain into strength,
But it could also be wired to exaggerate the pain. 
The mind makes or breaks you.

I was told by a teacher that I would be a tomboy at 12.
I've heard people laughing and poking fun at me for my size.
I've been told no guys would like me because I'm not attractive.
No one believed that I was just an unpolished jewel, eagerly waiting for the right time to shine.

But to me it doesn't matter. 
As long as I had the courage, faith and strength to carry on, 
No words can inflict harm if I do not allow it to hurt me.

I cannot even fathom how much I've learnt through Awake Minds. 
Maturity, confidence, and discipline to spirituality.
Learning is the easy part. Applying what you've learnt to life is the challenge.

I made a goal that after my exams, I would start jogging everyday to build my stamina and lose weight besides controlling my diet and watching what I eat because I've been eating unhealthy junk prior to exams.
The biggest part of losing weight is not about the diet or the exercise.
It ultimately boils down to how successful you are in controlling your mind. 
I have come to a realization that this is just a microcosm of life itself. 
Life is ultimately the battle of the mind, not if I am better than the person next to me.

If it was not for a senior's advice, I would had never kicked start my plan.
I told him how I would want to lose more weight by running but the weather has been a huge stumbling block (it's winter and it tends to rain almost everyday)

His solution for me was simple. 
"Rain or shine, just run"
His advice knocked me hard. 
It hit me that I was too busy making excuses, using talk but no actions to comfort my laziness.

I am pretty fond of excuses.
Excuses are like Valium or Prozac to the mind.
Only difference is its au naturale as compared to the synthetic drugs generating big bucks for pharmaceutical companies. 
Excuses are so poisonous and dangerous it becomes addictive and a habit that's so hard to break.

Now I clearly see the difference and reason between a winner and a loser. 
One puts words into actions, and the other actions into mere words.