Mar 3, 2011

Do I Smell Another Iraq?

With all the bruhaha over Libya, and the US' very publicly debated no-fly zone... it's a wonder that the US hasn't learnt from its invasion of Iraq and ridding of another dictator. The memory of Saddam Hussein remains distant, hazy... or is the accurate word "well cloaked".

The US didn't like Saddam but Iraqis, as a people, had the right to sovereignty. 8 years since the US invaded Iraq in 2003 under the pretext of Weapons of Mass Destruction, today's Iraq remains in tatters and with the US pulling out of its moral obligations for a war it started.

Libya today seems to loom with the same prospects. The US may not like Gaddafi... but it is not in their jurisdiction to decide on behalf of Libyans.

CNN and Al Jazeera convincingly report that Gaddafi had ordered airstrikes against his own people - portraying an evil dictator, in the city of Benghazi. Yet Russian military chiefs who monitor Libyan grounds via satellite, say that such air strikes never occured. If anyone has watched Fair Game, the story of leaked CIA operative Valerie Plame, manufactured reports from the Whitehouse are far from incredible... it's has already happened, many, many times in history.

Question is: Will the US again repeat its Iraq rouse - beating the drums of war in Libya... for OIL?

They certainly didn't call for airstrikes in Egypt... Yemen... Tunisia... Oman... to bring down those dictators. History speaks volume, especially when one has less than altruistic agendas in a region rich in the world's most precious mineral.

It is a very sad day for the human race, when HOPE became another TURKEY.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As usual, US will never change. Greed over Humanity. Insane.