Apr 11, 2011

A Pencil Case on The Outside, Kindness on The Inside

Today, a stranger successfully changed my cynical view of the world.

His honesty of returning my lost pencil case made me realised that the world is not a vicious place after all..

We imagine tigers, lions and hyenas manifested in the form of homosapiens walking among us. These cunning creatures then pounce on our jugular vein when we slip even for a second and rip us into pieces. One mistake is all it takes to bring us down, tear us apart.

No mercy. No sympathy. No virtues. No kindness.
The only mechanism working? Survival of the fittest.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it might be just a pencil case..Nothing significant in value in there (except for my pendrive). Anyone could have took the contents and threw it away, or heck, even ignored the sight of my pencil case on the table, wait for another person to hand it up to the lost and found counter. This stranger did otherwise.

The pencil case tells a different story altogether. It brought out the best in a stranger and completely changed the life of another stranger.

Just imagine how powerful a simple kind gesture could change another person's perspective. To him, he might had felt that it was his responsibility to return it to the rightful owner, but to the other, it means the world, because kindness is out there somewhere. He made me believe that life should be worth living because there will be many more kind souls like him out there.

As I could not believe my luck that someone so honest surrendered my pencil case to the security office, I found it rather hard to believe that it was literally untouched. Everything was exactly in its place. I filled in the forms to retrieve my case and requested for the stranger's details so I could thank him personally (and profusely).

What this stranger did made me reflect on Mitch Albom in Five People You Meet in Heaven. 'Strangers are family you have yet to come to know'.

I sent him a text message, offering a gift in return for his kindness. Something I would truly value from this incident. Zeeshan, called me back and spoke with a thick Pakistani accent which sounded (i swear to god) like angels singing from the heavens.

He said, 'It is my responsibility to return it. I am honoured.' 

I was dumbstrucked. I had never met a stranger so beautiful. Again, I thanked him gratefully and sent another text message saying how much I appreciated his kindness. He replied me with something I would always keep close to my heart;

Just remember, we lose several things in our life, the only thing you can't afford to lose are your parents.

Heck, a stranger with such maturity on top of his genuine values. That made my day month!:)

*Zeeshan, wherever you are, whoever you are, I am truly grateful and honoured for God has sent an angel like you to walk among us mere mortals. We might be of different race, creed and colour, but I have learnt so much from you. You blur the borders of nationality when you showed me kindness does not only come from people my own colour. You are indeed a man of virtues. May God bless you wherever you are. I am glad we crossed path, even if there is no image on your face. You are indeed, a hero in my eyes.

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