Feb 5, 2011


Iqra' or READ! is Allah's first revelation to the Holy Prophet Mohammed.

Have we really listened?

"For to anything which We have willed, We but say the word, "Be", and it IS." Surah 16-Al Nahl verse 40

You will find the same sentiments across all cultures - modern and ancient - expressed in equally eloquent terms. Paulo Coelho's By The River Piedra..., gnostic literature, or Vedic scripture.

These words are expressed in the Quran... but truly, they belong to all.

These words are expressed in the Vedas... but truly, they belong to all.

These words are expressed in the Bible... but truly, they belong to all.

These words are expressed in the Zen koans... but truly, they belong to all.

Happy 53rd Merdeka, Malaysia?

Which is greater... the revelation or the question?
Zikr_boat The "Zikr Boat" spells out in Arabic calligraphy "La ilaha ilallah," which may be translated as "There is no God but God" or "There is nothing but the Divine." The calligraphy artstically represents seekers rowing together in a boat towards God. The belief that there is nothing but God leads to the paradox that we are seeking the Divine while at the same time we are at one with the Divine; we are the Lover and the Beloved.

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