Aug 22, 2011

Babar Turns 80!

The world's most (and only) beloved elephant in a green suit has had it all... adopted by a really rich lady after being orphaned by poachers, drove a smashing red sports convertible as a teenager, crowned King of the Jungle in adolescence, married the Heaven's (his wife's name is Celeste), is father to triplets, travelled the world and has a monkey for a friend :D

What more is there to life?

Except for the symbolic importance that Babar the Elephant plays in our lives. 

He was the harbinger of a better world, a gentle one. Of Peace and Humanity in the land of Animals. Of giving and and learning and feeling that the human world was a wonderful mysterious place for an Outsider. This is what childhood memories evoke.

So Babar at 80 isn't just about Babar at 80. 

It's about all the things we dream about to make life a better place. It's the Rin Tin Tin's and the Smurfs, the Road Runners and the Tasmanian Devils who keep chasing each other. It's the representation that even after 80 years, the battle still goes on... but we survive because of works of art which inspire us all that a better world is possible. 

Happy Birthday, Babar!

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