Aug 3, 2011

Unmistaken Child

What does it mean to know one's true journey, the reason for YOUR existence?

In many ways, the true story of finding a child's reincarnation thrust upon a follower and disciple in Unmistaken Child, a documentary by Nati Baratz, reminds us that a lifetime can be defined by our ability to fulfil our responsibility, no matter how long or short that journey should take. One's life's work is greater than life itself.

The feeling of great responsibility thrust upon your shoulders when the young monk, tasked by the Dalai Lama to find his master's reincarnation with the words, "When you face the child, you will recognise him." Such is the power of absolute faith in another.

"I just cannot trust my feeling. I am not Buddha." says the astonished young monk.

Baratz spent 5 years filming this, a story which he stumbled upon while working on another documentary on Tibetan Jews. Relocating with his wife and 2 year old daughter, it is a labour of love.

I feel the same way, having spent over 6 years researching a book which seems to land itself on the wayside every now and then... one wonders will there ever be a day when it will see the light.

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