Oct 28, 2011

Para-Para Paradise

Funny that I still remember how I learnt this word.
I was six, eager to learn, excited to explore the world.
I had a kindergarden friend (her name rhymes with Petronas but I can't recall exactly), she told me how she had spent the weekend in Paradise Sandy Resort with her family. She told me how fun and beautiful Paradise Resort was.

I didn't care about sandy or resort, I just remembered Paradise, so I went home to ask my mother..
'Ma, where is Paradise?'

Her reply didn't satisfy me. She said she does not know where exactly paradise was, that it might be a place that does not exist here. Still unsatisfied, I went to my grandfather, demanding to know where Paradise was. Being a staunch Christian, he told me that its a place he will find Jesus and God waiting for him. Its where people loved by God would be, after they die.

I never understood why my grandfather loved to tell me about death and dying. He always reminded me, how we should not be afraid of dying, because there's a better place called paradise after death. I never gave much thought as a six year old back then. When he passed away, I went into his bedroom to look at his still body. I did not know how to handle a death in a family, but I guess my grandfather prepared me well. I knew my grandfather was happy in paradise and I should be happy for him. That's how I learnt one of the meanings of paradise. I finally found out where Paradise Sandy Resort was when I grew up :D

Where's paradise?
Is it above the fluffy blue clouds?
Or is it under the shades of the lush green trees?
Does it also appear when i'm in doubt?
Or only when I set my mind wild and free?

Where's paradise?
It might be just like what my grandpa used to tell me,
A place where he will be happy for eternity.
Will I lose sight of paradise?
If along the path I strayed aimlessly?

Where's paradise?

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