Mar 13, 2011

Damn Gay lah, You!

This post will be articulating the frustration in us who appreciate friendships but not the consequential labeling. These are two scenarios that were shared to me by some of my friends:

Scenario 1:
I was to walk alone to a certain place to get things done after my classes in college. I did not get enough sleep the previous two nights and was seemingly tired, sleepy and was in no mood for laughter and joyous events. The thought of walking alone to that miserable location and the work I'd have to do once I got there further cemented my anger and frustration. 

 Miraculously, a friend of mine volunteered to walk with me to my destination and accompany me while I did whatever I needed to do. This is following conversation that took place as I decided to thank him for accompanying me; 
Me: Hey, I just want to say thank you for accompanying me.
Him: Damn gay lah, you!

Scenario 2:

I saw my friend wrapping gifts in great multitudes. I asked him whatever were they for. He said his friend's birthday was coming soon. I asked how many (as he was wrapping enough gifts for at least 4 people) friends of his had their birthdays coming. He said just one. I was amazed at the length he went for that one friend. I later found out that his friend was a girl. I grew curious and asked why didn't he give any of his male friends (I knew because he is a close friend of mine) gifts on their birthdays. Then he told me something that really disappointed me; "I wanted to, but my other friend told me that only gay people give gifts to their male friends during their birthdays." I told him that it'd be a nice gesture to give a friend, irrespective of gender, a present for their birthday, and that I'd give him a present on his birthday. Then he said, "Damn gay lah, you!"

My opinion:
Since when was being nice tantamount to being gay?!

Even if it is, what is so wrong about being gay (not that I'm gay myself)? These are the very same people who say that they believe in freedom of choice as the ultimate trump card. Some of them even support the passage of the gay marriage bill in America. And for the last time, gays are not sex addicts who want/need to engage in sexual intercourse with every guy they meet!!! Seriously, please!

Back to 'Since when was being nice tantamount to being gay?!'. It disappoints me to see what the human race (or the male race if you like) has become. Then, being so blind and ignorant, we wonder every day and night till our pimples burst why does violence and unkindness continue to thrive in our society. Firstly, saying thank you to a guy is wrong. Secondly, getting gifts for a guy friend is also wrong. Then we have other cases where if you don't watch football, you're gay. And the Gay-Determining Factors just keep adding up into an endless list that extends all the way to Hades throne.

On account of this, I gave myself the privilege of conducting my own experiment. For some many days, I went about being a very nice, jolly and grateful person. Giving gifts, saying thank you, lifting the toilet seat when I use the toilet bowls, and other acts that a cultured person would usually do. At the end, I had many creatures (I wouldn't think they deserve the title 'humans') giving me the 'certified gay' label. Some months later, I devoted my energy to making sure I never said thank you, never gave any of my friends gifts on their birthdays, (still kept the toilet seats clean because I couldn't bring myself to the level of a dog), and even getting into one or two fist fights. At the end, I had many creatures giving me respect and the title 'a true man'.

So the world dictates that in order to gain respect, we must lose all our culture and conform to the ways of dogs. O men, "Thou art fled to brutish beasts". It's so ironic to see that the only creatures who have rationalizing abilities are so caged in by immaturity. Unable to even comprehend the simplicities of life such as these, they ever so ambitiously try to discern whether God exists, calculate probabilities for earthquakes, find more beneficial economic models etc. etc. Like Christina Aguilera's album states, go "Back to Basics".

Who do we blame for this? Parents, for not ensuring that children are brought up to being kind and cultured? Media, for displaying the requirements of becoming 'a true man'? Or the creatures themselves, for not seeing the bigger picture in life where every one is united for the bond of kindness? Let's make it simple and say they all are.

I'm not going to elaborate more on this, as I think anyone who reads this already knows the degree to which this is taking place on a daily basis. But just for the benefit of me, myself and I, if being kind means being a 'certified gay', then I'd rather be a certified gay. Hey, at least the women still love me! XD

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