Mar 11, 2011

Pass This On: Google Tool 4 Reaching Loved Ones - Japanese Earthquake & Tsunami

Phone lines are down across Japan since the worst earthquake to hit it ever at 8.9 on the Richter scale, Japanese are worried and unable to contact loved ones. 

Google has an excellent tool, launched just after the Haitian disaster, to help find missing persons or share information on individuals during such humanitarian disasters when telco lines are down. Many people don't know this exists so please pass this on - you never know who it might help:

Pass on this link to friends, family and our prayers for all struck by the tragedy. Another 50 countries along the Pacific Rim are on red alert, Hawaii is due within the next few hours and evacuations are ongoing. 

As we watch the tidal destruction on our screens, our prayer resounds with all millions of others in the world. God Bless.

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