Jun 18, 2011

Revolution Against Homework!!!

The New York Times featured this headliner:

New Recruit in Homework Revolt: The Principal

And about time too!

It's time we place more importance on how we are learning in schools than the hours we force kids to face a book - Quality not Quantity.

It's time we ADMIT that volume doesn't equal self-awareness - A-HA moments never happens to the brain-dead. They're called zombie's for a reason - they zoned out long time ago.

It's time to say we're sorry and just fix the problem - our kids may know the right answer in math, but trust me, 99% don't know the logic behind it. 

Favourite student quote "Coz teacher said so."

I've had lots of teachers who told me things. That a grape tree would grow out of my belly button if I ate the seed. That Kant is a misspelling of Can't. That differentiating a function is just 'like dat becoz it's just like dat'.

Clearly in such cases, it ain't so just coz teacher said so.


It's evidence a working brain. So here's Pink Floyd to remind everyone....

We don't need no education
We don't need no thought control
The dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teachers leave 'dem kids alone
Hey, teachers! Leave 'dem kids alone!
All in all you're just another brick in the wall.

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