Jun 8, 2011

Whither The Music?

You know that time when you once felt inspired to do something with Life? That it wasn't about money or prestige or hanging around with people who spoke with a champagne glass in one hand and their thumb up another?

Yeah, I remember those days too.

In fact, everyone has had those days. The days that they remember about what they forgot.

It's a little thing I like to term the Music. You don't really need to have drums and a voice singing in your head, or the radio on. It's more like a Feeling of something. Like your spirit dancing, like you were One with whatever forces there are in this great big Universe. It's you being carried by the waves... and you're just in your groove, busting a move without moving an inch.

It's Moving beyond Moving. That's what I call the Music.

Once in awhile, we lose it. Where did it go?

Sometimes, someone stole it from you. The guy who's spouting rhetoric and shoving it down your throat, telling you to grow up and that the world's ugly. Or the person who took that great idea you were working on and said it was theirs. Thud! Goes the Music.

Sometimes, you allow people to steal it from you. Watching your Mom counting her pennies to pay the next bill, telling you that you can't have what you want, not in this lifetime, so grow up. Thud! Goes the Music. 

Other time, we lose it ourselves. We tell that face that looks back in the mirror that it's 'Gotta grow up and be an adult. I like being an adult, I like power, I like telling people what to do, I like seeming like I know stuff and use terms like 'been there, done that', even though I really haven't. I wanna be an adult.' Thud! Goes the Music.

Well, today I heard a 60-year old chef who at the cutting-edge of molecular gastronomy foods the art of using chemistry to create funky, out-of-this-world dishes), who looked like he was 40 and laughed like he was 12, say:

"To be a great chef, you've got to have a good imagination - like a kid! Most important is to be happy and play. Every day, every texture, everything is new... we re-imagine the world, then we create the plate!" You see, he's never been there, or done that... even though he probably has. Now that's a mental trip.

Just like that.

Every day, if we could re-imagine our world, and then create a new plate each day. A new plate today, another one tomorrow... after 10 years... Voila! Those stacks of new plates add to up to a pretty great Life!

And the bills... well, they sorta took care of themselves. Don't know what happened to them, but they sure didn't make it for seconds.

So where did the Music go? Nowhere.

We just forgot to Listen.

If Johnny Depp can reinvent a pirate, I'm sure lesser miracles can happen. Arrrrrrrr! (Jack Sparrow style)

P.S: This post is specially dedicated to two lovely souls who said they stalked this site to have their minds awakened. I'm sorry for the absence. Lets rock 'n roll! *guitars shredding*

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