Jul 22, 2011

4 Great Thinkers

History is written by the victors... Charles Darwin was not the first to come up with the Theory of Evolution yet claimed glory for it. Volkswagon was the brainchild of Hitler, but its survivors have erased its Nazi past.

True knowledge is dangerous. There is a pantheon of uncelebrated geniuses who have changed and shaped our world, but whose views were censured for the implications on our world - the mathematician George Cantor, Ludwig Boltzmann... the aspect of spirituality has been left out in our textbooks, education, despite its crucial place in the evolution of mathematics, science, humanities.

We have censored our own understanding because it is 'uncool' to be spiritual beings, to have inspired moments that give insight into our inner beings... that reveal the deeper mysteries of infinity.

We pretend that the brilliance, elegance and beauty of science... is secular.

Here's a great BBC documentary that brings out the beauty and religiousity of life.

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