Jul 24, 2011

Another... EARTH?

Note: Dedicated to the misfits, to Wanderers, to those who Despair. And all who wonder if fresh beginnings are possible.

What if there was another Earth out there. A parallel universe in which there was another you... the Alternative You. YOU 2?

What would that world be? Who would YOU 2 be? If we believe the proportions of String Theory and Supergravity... there are 11 dimensions in this world and these 11 dimensions are in contact with another 11, then another...

The possibilities are infinite. What does this mean for us?

A new beginning? A way to undo all the things we might not have done? Would you gain comfort knowing that out there... in at least ONE alternate universe... you probably got it RIGHT?

It is a startling reality to realise. That we are not alone. That perhaps in an infinite world of choice, we got one life right.

A brilliant movie that explores the complex theme of the frontiers of physics. "Another Earth" talks about the dreams of a young brilliant astrophysicist who's been admitted into MIT, whose life takes on a tangential turn when she crashes her car in a night of drunken partying. No more MIT, no more dreams of science but instead she is jailed, destined for a life of obscurity as a janitor, post-incarceration.

In the backdrop, science has just discovered another Earth... dubbed Earth 2. An alternate reality, with the same living conditions and homosapiens who inhabit this Earth. She looks up into the big alternate planet, Earth 2, and wonders in that world... what if I got it right?

The trailer here: 

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