Jul 21, 2011

Angkor's Calling

Some lands can only be experienced. Cambodia is one of them and will always be my land of dreams. It's brought humbling perspective, great peace and invigorated me on each sojourn.

But nothing can equal the first touch down. The awe of approaching Angkor's main gates, the diamond waters sparkling under the sweltering Cambodian heat... the first step is pure magic.

Alone, with little money, knowing no one, caring for little except to find a little peace in my soul searching... Cambodia remains an unknowable, mysterious country whose depth is one of an ancient civilisation lost in the New World Order.

One of my more ignorant moments came riding pillion on a motodop. We had taken the journey from Angkor Wat moving onto Bayon, when I asked an extremely arrogant question without knowing it.

"Why aren't all these children in school?"

My moto driver, a lovely quiet man who spoke some English, was silent.

It was a question that I wondered many times.

Only years later did I realise the superiority complex one has of what a Third World nation needs. Education is secondary when Life is about Surviving the next day.

One of the many lessons that Angkor and Cambodia has taught me. It continues to teach me on each journey - that hard, tough country that has seen little mercy but people blossom and have shown me outstanding kindness.

The height of Angkor is in her people as well as her architectural splendour. The first brought peace, the second blessings... and who knows where the third will go...

Here is one advertorial that captures in some ways, a great culture and enduring legacy that is the Cambodian spirit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oX2OKv2TCtI&feature=aso

And a beautiful guide: http://www.theangkorguide.com/images/download/Angkor.pdf

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