Feb 5, 2011

Conduct Unbecoming

Anyone can set up a political party, rally the masses, be sensationalist... but do they carry themselves in a manner worth of respect?

The Seattle WTO riots, LA riots, Mao Tse Tung's prosecution of art, intellectuals and scholars... here's what they have in common with the photo & story in the link below - HOOLIGANS:

Now, I'm not a big political fan (Did you hear the one that said: The problem with politics are the politicians?) But I think leaders prove themselves unfit for ANY office when they begin to act and reflect hooliganism - in mind, actions, words. 

And make no mistake - hooliganism isn't defined by your education, background, status. Lots of people carry paper qualifications, a great family heritage and forget what it is to engage constructively - first sign is when they resort to name-calling rather than policy battles.

The big question is: Where have all our own standards gone? Do we expect so little of our own leaders that the best we have to represent our aspirations... is this...

As Malaysians, we deserve better.

I wonder how this yahoo would feel if someone called his own mother a 'political prostitute' on national news. Is there nothing sacred left?

Everyone has the right to speak their mind, however different, however hurtful the truth, but there are some invisible lines which should not be crossed. We've not just lost our moral compass, we've misplaced the compass altogether.

We should all aspire for higher standards when electing leaders. They do, after all, represent the best of who we are as a nation. It'll be a sad day if people should ever choose to back hooliganism... under any condition. 

Let's not get too attached to the lure of power, that we forget common decency... which is becoming, sadly, less and less common each day. And if we could just a have a bit of class thrown in, well hallelujah - We Got Game!

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