Feb 5, 2011

Malaysian Tops Cambridge, heads to S'pore & we announce a 100-Storey Tower

APPALLING. That's the only word to describe the government's latest 100-storey building smack in central KL. in an economy that's not yet recovered, an education system that's failing and students are taught to rote learn rather than think critical, increased crime and safety issues... what was the government thinking? Costing RM5 Billion...

I thought we were promised a People's Budget - hence the massive drive by Najib's administration to obtain direct feedback via his blog... did anyone actually request for a 100 STOREY building? Pump priming at the expense of transparency?

What about pumping that money into fixing our education system? How about improving healthcare in this country? and to add insult to injury, we have ministers who make these statements:

“Everybody wants a tallest tower. Shanghai and Taiwan want more, so why should we hold back?” - Ng Yen Yen.

Who this EVERYONE is I'm not too sure. It would be nice to have a referendum called to identify EVERYONE. I meet citizens of Malaysia everyday and I still haven't met one of these EVERYONE.

Pump prime economics doesn't work in ALL situations... economic stimulus works should be matched to the greater objectives people wish to see in society.

Now HERE's a REAL issue we should discuss: Malaysian Tops Cambridge, Joins Singapore Civil Service.


An excerpt here:

"ANALYSIS, Oct 19 – Malaysian first-class honours law graduate Tan Zhongshan, who won a slew of awards at Cambridge University including the Slaughter and May prize for best overall performance, is heading to Singapore to join its Legal Service commission, it was reported today.

But this is no longer an uncommon case in Malaysia which has been facing a brain drain problem for decades even as previous administrations did little to stem the tide of outgoing talent.

This has led to fears that the country is being hollowed out.

The Najib administration has taken the strongest steps yet to tackle the issue by proposing a Talent Corporation (Talentcorp) to lure talent and overseas Malaysians back as well as resolving the perennial government scholarship debate by awarding scholarships to all students who score 9As and above.

The prime minister has also been on a personal charm offensive abroad the past one year and told
Malaysian communities in Belgium and Luxembourg this month that the Talentcorp will seek overseas Malaysians out and do what it takes to make them consider going home."

I think we should all look deep within ourselves truthfully and ask why we keep losing top talent from the country. Not to cover up with all these macro policies like Talent Corp that give incentives but conveniently sidestep the real issue of why young, bright talented Malaysians leave. Deep down, most people no matter where they go and how far they have travelled, harbour an unspoken love for their country. That's why we debate and fight for it so passionately.

Until we feel betrayed. A People's Budget... a People's 100-storey Tower... Where did all the People go?

Well... sometimes no one says anything anymore because it's just beyond words.  But sighs can be deafening.

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