Feb 5, 2011

Siapa Pendatang...? Saya Pendatang!

Images With all the fuss about headmistresses telling students that the Chinese and Indians are 'pendatang', or migrants, to go back to China if they didn't like what was going on in the country... let's all stop from falling into the trap of race based politics. 

Let's stop reacting. 

Let's wake up and stop dancing to someone else's tune.

If we all trace our roots through history... weren't ALL of us pendatang at one point? 

Siapa orang asal negara ni? Orang asli. That's why they are calledOrang Asli.

So, the next time someone calls you pendatang... stand proud, and say "Yang Arif, SAYA SETUJU!" Everyone who isn't Orang Asli... is historically pendatang

Don't do it out of spite, don't do it with an agenda... do it because it's the truth.

If we know who we are... why should we be flustered? If you know who you are... who can take that away from you? (Hint: nowan)

Lain kali, orang suruh pendatang balik China ke, India ke... senyum... dan katalah "TAK NAK". 

Say, "YES, I will NOT go."

That's reclaiming full ownership of what it means to be Malaysian. That and becoming a voter. But that's a story for another day.


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