Feb 5, 2011

Parties are for politicians. People just want unity.

Well, it's true. Datuk Johari who leads UMNO Titiwangsa branch is correct when he states that Chinese or Indian votes don't count in the big scheme of things. They only need Malay votes. All Malaysians should thus be gracious, accept and grant them their wish.


From the applause our Titiwangsa gets... I would say he's expressing the sentiments of a majority in the crowd. It's an offense to everyone - Malay, Chinese, Indian, Eurasian, Kadazan, Dayak, etc - who believes in humanity instead of racism; unity not division; equality not hegemony.

Malaysians should wake up, perform their duty as citizens and register to vote. Reclaiming our country from divisive, racist sentiments. We are small when choosing to define ourselves by the colour of our skin.

Who cares about political parties? No one except the politician. My vote goes to anyone who works for all Malaysians.

Let's all send a clear message on who's the boss. In a representative democracy, I am the boss. And I say YES to plurality, diversity, unity. We don't need rallies, demonstrations, vigils. Speak your mind at the ballot box on election day.

And to unregistered or abstaining citizens who complain about our country yet do nothing on election day... you've forfeited the right to complain because you've condoned it by doing nothing.

An unregistered voter who talks ill about this country should have their citizenship revoked, and given to those legitimate but stateless Malaysians born post-Independence, desperately waiting outside Putrajaya to get their Mykad. Perhaps compulsory voting like in Singapore isn't too bad an idea after all. Three strikes - you're OUT!

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